eCommerce Conversion Rate Audit

eCommerce Conversion Rate Audit Checklist (+ Ideas For Improving Conversion Rate)


Many eCommerce stores run CRO audits.

However, they often fail to connect the dots between website audits and conversion rates.

Here are the CRO audit checklists we’ll cover in this article:

So, how important is an eCommerce conversion rate audit?

For instance, your website gets 15,000 monthly traffic.

Let’s consider you convert 2.2% of the traffic, which is the current average conversion rate.

Even a 1% increase in conversion rate means 150 more conversions per month.

Armed with a detailed eCommerce CRO audit, you can apply targeted website optimizations and significantly increase conversion rates.

How often should you audit your online store?

Think of auditing your online store like giving it a regular check-up.

You don't want to wait until there's a major issue before taking a look under the hood.

Before you get started, there’s one advice you need to keep in mind before and during an eCommerce CRO audit:

Think like a shopper and not just a store owner

Keep a constant watch on your store. If something seems off, investigate right away.

As a rule, every three months, take a deep dive into your store's performance, security measures, and finances.

This helps catch any sneaky problems early on.

Once a year, give your store a thorough review.

Look at everything from the design to the user experience to make sure it's still up to snuff.

Also remember: Anytime there's a big change, like switching payment processors or updating regulations, organize a special audit to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Keep in mind: these are just guidelines.

Stay flexible and adjust your auditing schedule as required based on how your store is doing.

A regular conversion rate audit on your eCommerce website will keep it running smoothly and you can avoid any surprises down the road.

eCommerce Site Audit for Better UX

Here are some ways to conduct eCommerce conversion rate audits of websites for improved user experiences.

eCommerce Website CRO Audit Checklist for More Conversion Rates

1. eCommerce website page load time

The conversion rates are 3x higher for eCommerce websites that load in 1 second.

And 40% of visitors will abandon a website that takes longer than 3 seconds to load.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce site audit w.r.t page load times:

  • Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, and GTmetrix to analyze the page load time of your eCommerce website. They’ll help to identify pages with the longest load times and prioritize optimization efforts accordingly.
  • Review and optimize the performance impact of third-party scripts such as analytics trackers, social media widgets, and marketing tags.
  • Reduce the number of HTTP requests by combining CSS and JavaScript files, and minimizing the use of external scripts and resources.
  • Optimize above-the-fold content to ensure it loads quickly and prioritizes critical resources such as text, images, and CSS styles.
  • Are third-party apps slowing down your eCommerce website? Choose lightweight and well-optimized third-party solutions to minimize their impact on page load time.
  • How does the eCommerce website's page load speed compare to competitors or industry benchmarks?
  • What is the average page load time on desktop, mobile, and other devices?

2. Mobile responsiveness

A report shows mobile commerce revenue will reach approximately two trillion U.S. dollars by 2024.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce site audit w.r.t mobile responsiveness:

  • Assess the overall design of your eCommerce website on mobile devices, including layout, navigation, and visual elements.
  • Check if interactive elements like buttons, links, and form fields are large enough and spaced adequately for easy tapping and interaction.
  • If you have a load of product information, enable a collapsible or hamburger menu for streamlined navigation on mobile devices.
  • Optimize multimedia content such as videos and slideshows for mobile playback and ensure compatibility with popular mobile browsers.

3. Website image optimizations

75% of online shoppers rely on product photos to make purchasing decisions.

22% of returns are because the delivered product looked better on the website than in reality.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce site audit w.r.t image optimizations:

  • Use modern image formats like WebP for improved compression and faster loading times.
  • Leverage lazy loading techniques to defer the loading of images that are not immediately visible on the screen.
  • Use descriptive and keyword-rich file names for images, separated by hyphens or underscores. Avoid generic file names like "image1.jpg" or "product123.jpg".
  • Are multiple images, angles, or views provided to give shoppers a 360-degree understanding of the product?
  • Have accessibility guidelines, such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), been followed when adding alt text and other image attributes?

4. eCommerce website security

88% of consumers say their willingness to share personal information is based on how much they trust a brand.

That’s why it’s important to establish trust and credibility on your eCommerce site.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce site audit w.r.t security:

  • Verify that sensitive data such as login credentials, payment information, and personal details are encrypted during transmission.
  • Evaluate the security of payment processing systems and gateways to ensure compliance with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) requirements.
  • Use automated scanning tools and manual testing techniques to uncover vulnerabilities in the website's code, configurations, and third-party integrations.

eCommerce Conversion Rate Audit Checklist for Homepages

Here are some ways to conduct eCommerce conversion rate audits of homepage designs for more conversions.

eCommerce CRO Audit Checklist for Better Homepage Conversion Rates

1. Navigation design

A report shows that improving eCommerce website navigation can increase conversion rates by 18.5%

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce site audit w.r.t navigation structure:

  • Does it take longer than 2 steps to reach a particular product from the drop-down menus? Assess the main navigation menu to see if it’s easy to access all your product categories.
  • Evaluate the use of faceted navigation (filters) on category pages to enable shoppers to refine search results based on attributes such as price, size, color, and brand.
  • Are products categorized logically into main, sub, and sub-sub categories for quick access to desired products or information?
  • Does the navigation show clear visual cues to direct shoppers to bestsellers or trending products?
  • Collect user feedback and analytics data to identify pain points or areas for improvement in the navigation.

2. Search bar functionality

eCommerce stores lose $300B each year from bad online search experiences.

Tips to consider while auditing the search bar of an eCommerce website:

  • Display popular or relevant search terms, product names, and categories to help shoppers find what they're looking for more quickly.
  • Is the search bar prominently displayed and easily accessible on the homepage? When you scroll down, make it easy to access the search bar.
  • Is your search bar equipped to show results for non-product content, like ‘returns’ or ‘order tracking’?

3. Homepage visual hierarchy

34% of people shop online at least once a week.

This means your homepage design should have a familiar visual hierarchy so shoppers don’t get lost or confused.

Tips to consider while auditing above the fold of an eCommerce homepage for better conversions:

  • Clearly communicate your value propositions to visitors within the above-the-fold section.
  • Is your hello bar pitching free shipping or other important updates? Showcase featured products, promotions, or special offers prominently within the above-the-fold section to capture a shopper’s interest.
  • Limit the number of menu items to avoid overwhelming shoppers and prioritize the most important sections.
  • Include a prominent and compelling call-to-action (CTA) above the fold to encourage shoppers to take the desired action, such as "Shop Now," "Learn More," or "Sign Up."

Tips to consider while auditing below-the-fold eCommerce homepages for better conversions:

  • Use eye-catching banners, badges, or countdown timers to create a sense of urgency and encourage action.
  • Prominently display trust signals such as customer testimonials, reviews, or trust badges to establish trust. Have social media feeds, user-generated images or customer photos been incorporated to enhance authenticity and encourage trust?
  • Instill confidence in visitors by highlighting security measures, return policies, or guarantees.

4. Homepage UX

88% of online consumers report that they are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce site audit w.r.t UX:

  • Are your pop-ups intrusive and put off mobile shoppers? Consider showing a pop-up teaser that expands when clicked on.
  • Ensure that popups appear at appropriate times, like when your shopper is about to exit the website, has been on a page for a certain amount of time, or has completed a specific action.
  • Make sure your homepage design is consistent with the rest of the eCommerce website and other marketing channels.
  • Do your shoppers have to scroll back up to access other parts of a website? Review the implementation of "Load More" buttons or infinite scroll functionality for displaying additional content. You can also include a back-to-top button or link to allow shoppers to quickly return to the top of the page.

eCommerce CRO Audit Checklist for Product Listing Pages

Here are some ways to conduct an eCommerce conversion rate audit of product listing pages to boost profits.

eCommerce CRO Audit Checklist for More Product Listing Page Conversion Rates

1. PLP navigation

In this part of the buyer’s journey, your product listing page design will be a virtual foot inside the door to an eventual sale.

Tips to consider while conducting CRO audits w.r.t PLP navigation:

  • Offer multiple filtering and sorting options to help shoppers narrow down their product choices.
  • Refine their search results based on criteria such as price, size, color, brand, etc.
  • You can show clickable tags to toggle between different product categories.

2. PLP design UX

Remember, a bad user experience means shoppers will bounce off.

And then tell other people.

Tips to consider while conducting CRO audits w.r.t product listing page UX:

  • Evaluate the quality and size of product thumbnails and images. Make sure they are high-resolution and provide multiple views or angles where applicable.
  • Check if your product titles and descriptions are formatted consistently to maintain readability and visual hierarchy.
  • Are there any visual labels on product images like ‘bestseller’, ‘trending’, or ‘low stock availability’?
  • Show a quick snapshot of the product description so shoppers can easily view the product without going back and forth between web pages.

3. CTA buttons on PLP

Shoppers prefer convenience while shopping.

An optimized CTA button on product listing pages can help them to make quick decisions.

Tips to consider while conducting CRO audits w.r.t CTA buttons on product listing pages:

  • Does the product image change upon hover? Can shoppers do a quick add-to-cart? Let shoppers shop easily right on the PLP.
  • Are there multiple CTAs throughout the page to accommodate different user behaviors? (e.g., show select size or product variant-specific CTAs)

4. Pricing cues

One of the main ways to attract attention and encourage conversions on eCommerce PLPs is through smart pricing cues.

Tips to consider while conducting CRO audits w.r.t pricing strategies on PLPs:

  • If applicable, display the original price with a strikethrough alongside the discounted price to highlight savings.
  • Provide price filter options to narrow down product searches within specific price ranges. This way, shoppers can find products that match their budget preferences.
  • If products have different variants (e.g., sizes, colors), clearly indicate the prices for each variant. Use dropdown menus or swatches to select variants and update prices accordingly.

eCommerce CRO Audit Checklist for Product Pages

After homepages, product pages are the most visited web pages on eCommerce stores.

Here are some ways to conduct eCommerce conversion rate of product pages to increase conversion rates.

CRO Audit Checklist for More Product Page Conversion Rates

1. Product page copy

87% of customers feel product content is the most important factor when deciding to purchase an item online as they cannot physically see, feel, or smell the item.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce site audit w.r.t product page copy:

  • Is your product USP front and center? Use persuasive language and visuals to highlight the benefits of the product.
  • Make sure your product descriptions are concise, informative, and highlight key features. If you have a lot of product information, consider showing them through icons or badges.
  • Include high-quality images or videos of the product from different angles to provide a comprehensive view. Are they loading fast?

2. Product page UX

88% of shoppers never return to a site after a bad user experience.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce site audit w.r.t product page UX:

  • Add interactive elements like sliders, carousels, or expandable sections to provide additional details without overwhelming shoppers with too much information upfront.
  • Use large font sizes and contrasting colors to make the price stand out and catch a shopper’s attention.
  • Assess the placement, size, color, and wording of the CTA buttons. They should stand out and indicate the desired action. Test different variations of CTAs to see which ones yield higher conversion rates.
  • Is your add-to-cart accessible? Implement a sticky CTA button that is easy to click even when shoppers scroll down the product page.
  • If you sell internationally, enable geolocation features to automatically detect a shopper’s location and accordingly adjust pricing.
  • Do shoppers often hit the back button on your product pages? Make sure your navigation options are easily accessible below the fold with a sticky header, so shoppers can access different product categories.

3. Customer retention

Many reports say that getting repeat purchases from an existing customer is easier than converting new customers.

Tips to consider while auditing customer retention on product pages:

  • Check if your subscription plans are getting any traction and encouraging repeat customers.
  • Implement quick reordering functionality that lets customers easily repurchase previously bought items.
  • Evaluate if shoppers are filtering reviews to see if your product is a hit or a miss.
  • Are your discounts getting converted into sales? Existing shoppers will appreciate getting first dibs on any future discounts or sales.
  • Is your live chat able to guide shoppers through every stage of the buying process? Positive interactions through live chat can leave a lasting impression and increase the likelihood of repeat purchases and referrals.

4. Credibility

Most shoppers likely stick to shopping from familiar stores and avoid trying something new.

Especially, if your store doesn’t show them enough to establish trust.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce site audit w.r.t trust factors on product pages:

  • Establish trust with social proof elements like user-generated content, social media shares, or influencer endorsements.
  • Do you have low AOVs? Show related products, accessories, or bundles below the fold to encourage shoppers to explore more.
  • Do you have a high bounce rate? Perhaps, a live chat widget can help customers get to know your product better.

eCommerce Conversion Rate Audit Checklist for Checkout Pages

Average checkout abandonment over the past ten years has fluctuated between 60 - 80%.

If you fall within this range, an eCommerce conversion rate audit can help you identify gaps in the checkout flow.

Here are some ways to audit eCommerce checkout pages to boost profits.

eCommerce CRO Audit Checklist for More Checkout Page Conversion Rates

1. Checkout navigation

Your potential customers have reached checkout.

Now, it’s your job to avoid overwhelming them with unnecessary or complicated steps.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce site audit w.r.t checkout pages:

  • Use familiar conventions for form fields, buttons, and navigation elements. This minimizes confusion and helps shoppers move smoothly through the checkout process.
  • Assess the checkout flow to ensure it's streamlined and easy to navigate. You can try implementing a one-page checkout layout instead of a multi-page checkout for a faster process.
  • Consider implementing guest checkout alternatives like social logins so shoppers can purchase without creating an account.

2. Checkout UX

Designing an intuitive checkout UX can be tricky.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce site audit w.r.t checkout page UX:

  • Ensure that form fields, buttons, and other elements are easily accessible and usable on small screens.
  • Do you have a high bounce rate? Implement exit-intent pop-ups that create FOMO so shoppers purchase from your store.
  • Provide multiple shipping options, including standard, expedited, and same-day delivery, if possible. This way shoppers can choose their preferred delivery date and time, if applicable, to enhance convenience.
  • Are shoppers able to move their choices to the wishlist? Make the option easily accessible on the checkout page. You can also let shoppers select or deselect products to move ahead to checkout.

3. Checkout security

When potential customers reach checkout, it’s important to show you can protect their information.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce site audit w.r.t checkout page security

  • Is your checkout page scannable? Clearly outline the total cost of the order, including taxes, shipping fees, and any other applicable charges, before shoppers proceed to payment.
  • Display trust badges, security seals, or SSL certificates to reassure shoppers about the safety and security of their personal and payment information.
  • You can also show reassuring messages throughout the checkout process to alleviate concerns.

4. Post-purchase UX

A great post-purchase experience means better customer satisfaction rates, loyalty, and repeat purchases.

Here are some tips to consider while auditing your post-purchase UX:

  • Evaluate the order confirmation page to ensure that it provides clear and detailed information about the purchase, including the order summary, delivery details, and expected arrival date. Also, are your customers receiving a confirmation email with the same information?
  • Review the communication process for shipping updates and tracking information. Assess whether customers receive timely notifications about the status of their orders, including shipping confirmation, tracking numbers, and delivery updates.
  • Can customers easily initiate returns or exchanges, print return labels, and track the status of their return requests? Review the process to ensure that it’s clear, straightforward, and user-friendly.

eCommerce SEO Audit Checklist

37.5% of all eCommerce site traffic comes from search engines.

So, make sure your store ranks higher and visitors land on optimized stores.

eCommerce SEO Audit Checklist for Increase in Conversion Rates

1. On-page SEO

In the eCommerce world, on-page SEO can help individual product pages, category pages, and landing pages rank high in search engine results and target specific customer profiles.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce SEO audit w.r.t links:

  • Analyze your website's backlink profile to identify high-quality inbound links and potential opportunities for link building.
  • Use clean and descriptive URLs for your product pages. Include relevant keywords and avoid using unnecessary parameters or dynamic URL strings. A clear URL structure helps search engines understand the content of your pages.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce on-page SEO audit w.r.t product copy:

  • Craft descriptive and keyword-rich titles for your product pages. Include relevant keywords near the beginning of the title and ensure it accurately reflects the product being sold.
  • Review and optimize title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags (H1, H2, etc.) for relevant keywords.

Tips to consider while conducting eCommerce SEO audit w.r.t product images:

  • Use descriptive filenames for your images that include relevant keywords. Avoid generic filenames like "image123.jpg" and instead use descriptive names that accurately describe the image content, such as "blue-widget-product.jpg."
  • Add descriptive alt text to your images to provide context for search engines and shoppers who cannot view images (e.g., visually impaired shoppers using screen readers). Include relevant keywords in the alt text while accurately describing the image content.

2. Technical SEO

Technical SEO often gets overlooked while auditing eCommerce SEO.

Optimizing various technical aspects can improve your store’s search engine visibility and performance.

Technical SEO audit tips for your eCommerce website:

  • Check for proper implementation of categories, subcategories, and internal linking to facilitate easy navigation.
  • Check for crawl errors, broken links, and duplicate content using tools like Google Search Console.
  • Optimize site speed by compressing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and leveraging browser caching.
  • Implement structured data markup ( to enhance search engine visibility and improve rich snippet appearance.
  • Use breadcrumbs to help shoppers and search engines understand the hierarchical structure of your website.
  • Implement internal linking strategies to distribute link equity and improve crawlability.

3. Content SEO

Evaluating content as part of your eCommerce SEO audit can help attract organic traffic and ultimately drive conversions.

Tips for content SEO audit on your eCommerce website:

  • Audit existing content for relevance, freshness, and alignment with target keywords.
  • Identify opportunities to create new blog content to address customer needs and target long-tail keywords.
  • Encourage customers to leave reviews, ratings, and comments on your product pages. User-generated content not only helps build trust and credibility with potential buyers but also provides valuable keyword-rich content that can improve your search visibility.
  • Include an FAQ section on product pages to address common questions and concerns that potential customers may have. Use natural language and include relevant keywords to improve search visibility and provide valuable information.

4. Local SEO

Local SEO tends to attract highly qualified leads who are more likely to convert into customers.

Local customers are often ready to make a purchase and may prefer to buy from nearby businesses for convenience and faster delivery.

Tips to consider while auditing local SEO for your eCommerce website:

  • Verify and optimize your Google My Business profile with accurate business information, including name, address, phone number (NAP), website URL, business hours, and categories.
  • Target keywords with local intent, including city names, neighborhood names, and other location-specific modifiers.
  • Create dedicated landing pages for specific locations or regions you serve with location-specific keywords, content, and imagery to improve relevance and visibility in local search results.

eCommerce Site Audit - Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is an eCommerce site audit?

An eCommerce site audit is a comprehensive assessment of an online store's performance, functionality, and effectiveness.

It involves evaluating various aspects such as website design, user experience, technical SEO, content, marketing strategies, and conversion optimization.

2. What are the benefits of conducting an eCommerce site audit?

The benefits of conducting an eCommerce site audit include:

  • Identify areas for improvement to enhance the user experience and increase conversions.
  • Uncover technical issues that may be impacting search engine visibility and rankings.
  • Optimize marketing strategies to attract more traffic and drive sales.
  • Improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your eCommerce business.

3. How to perform an eCommerce conversion rate audit?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to check for when auditing for eCommerce websites:

a. Set clear objectives

Determine what you want to achieve with your CRO audit.

Whether it's improving sales, enhancing user experience, or ensuring compliance with regulations, having clear goals will guide your CRO audit process.

b. Get the lay of the land

Start by browsing through your website as if you're a first-time visitor. Note down any immediate issues or areas of improvement you notice.

Pay attention to design elements, navigation, and overall user experience.

Put yourself in your customers' shoes to understand their perspective.

3. Review your tech

Run technical diagnostics to assess website performance.

Tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights can help identify areas for improvement in loading times and mobile responsiveness.

Test all website functionalities, from search bars to checkout processes, to ensure they work seamlessly across different devices and browsers.

4. Collect feedback and insights

Gather feedback from customers through surveys, reviews, and usability testing to identify pain points and areas for improvement.

Monitor social media channels and online forums for customer complaints, feedback, and suggestions.

5. Create an action plan

Based on the findings of your CRO audit, prioritize action items and develop a plan to address any identified issues or opportunities.

Assign responsibilities and set timelines for implementing changes and improvements.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of your actions to ensure ongoing optimization and success.

4. How long does an eCommerce site audit take?

The duration of an eCommerce site audit can vary depending on factors such as the size and complexity of the website, the scope of the audit, and the availability of resources.

A comprehensive audit may take several weeks to complete, while a more focused eCommerce site audit may be completed in a shorter time frame.

5. Who should conduct an eCommerce conversion rate audit?

eCommerce site audits can be conducted by internal teams, external consultants or agencies, or a combination of both.

Internal teams may have a deep understanding of the business but might lack specialized expertise in certain areas.

External consultants or agencies can provide fresh perspectives and specialized knowledge to uncover hidden issues and opportunities.

6. What are some tools used for conducting eCommerce site audits?

Some commonly used tools for conducting eCommerce site audits include Google Analytics, Google Search Console, website crawlers (e.g., Screaming Frog, DeepCrawl), SEO analysis tools (e.g., SEMrush, Moz), heat mapping tools (e.g., Hotjar, Crazy Egg), and usability testing platforms.

However, there’s a significant learning curve involved in understanding how to do an audit as internal teams lack expertise in certain areas.

Convertcart has audited websites of over 500+ brands and suggested over 1000+ optimizations.

Our CRO experts are ready to offer you a free audit, grab it now!

7. What are some common challenges encountered during an eCommerce site audit?

Some common challenges encountered during an eCommerce audit include:

  • identifying technical SEO issues,
  • reconciling discrepancies in data from different analytics platforms,
  • interpreting complex user behavior data, and
  • aligning findings with business goals and objectives.

Overcoming these challenges may require specialized expertise and collaboration across teams.