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Conversion Path

Conversion Path

A conversion path is a process through which a lead gets attracted to your website and then converts. Think of the conversion path as the steps a lead takes before they become a customer.

This is how the conversion path looks-

Website CTA -> Landing page-> Thankyou/Confirmation email

Parts of a conversion path

  • Offer - Visitors will be interested in your product and service if you offer them something of value. You can give them welcome discounts and codes to get started.
  • Call-to-action - Strong CTAs on your website gives the visitor a direction as to how they can take advantage of the offer. It should compel them to stay on the path and complete the process.
  • Landing page - The visitors are directed to the landing page after they click on the CTA. This is where the user shares his information to get the offer.
  • Thank you/confirmation page - Once a user has converted into a lead, It’s time to welcome them to your community by sending a thank you mail and verifying that the process is complete.

Conversion path optimization strategies

  • Context-appropriate content - Use your content to focus on the needs of the users and solve their problems.
  • Tailor the content according to the buyer’s persona - Your content should be based on the stage at which the visitors are currently on your website. At the starting phase, the visitors are still trying to discover the product, therefore it is necessary to formulate the content based on the features and benefits that your product offers.
  • Test out different offers - You need to test out what offer attracts the visitors more. Is a discount more enticing than a free trial? This is an important step to get the most out of your conversion path.
  • Add another call-to-action on the follow-up page - Once the users have exchanged their information, you can add another CTA to the follow-up page to let them take more actions.
  • Use analytics to examine the conversion paths
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