Email Marketing

How to Use Targeted Email Marketing to Drive More Sales (eCommerce)

Is email in the top 3 sources of revenue for your eCommerce store? If not, then it’s time to consider proven targeted email marketing strategies and apply them right away!

How to Use Targeted Email Marketing to Drive More Sales (eCommerce)

You should personalize your emails

Your email engagement rate is low   

Email is not your top 3 source of revenue 

As an online store owner, if you relate to any or all of the above statements, then it’s time to consider targeted email marketing strategies. 

Let’s dive in. 

4 Easy Ways to Create Targeted Email Marketing Campaigns for Your Online Store

When it comes to online shopping, making killer email campaigns can be a game-changer. 

Here are four easy-to-implement yet powerful targeted email marketing strategies and examples to guide you and help tailor your messages effectively, and boost engagement and sales for your eCommerce store.

1. Behavioral-targeted email marketing examples

In email marketing, behavioral targeting involves sending emails with specific messaging based on the consumer’s past behavior.

With behavioral targeting, you can create segments based on several different sources of data:

  • Website engagement: What are shoppers looking at and clicking on your site?
  • Campaign engagement: Which emails did subscribers open and click?
  • Purchase behavior: What items did someone purchase, add to their cart, or look at?

You’ll want to create a few samples depending on the scenario and behavior of the shoppers. 

An email tailored towards a shopper’s experience will be more genuine and encourage a sale.

This targeted email marketing example works best when:

Shoppers add-to-cart but don’t checkout:

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Shoppers browse but bounce off:

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Shoppers signed up but didn’t engage further:

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Some other behaviors commonly occur on online stores. Consider the following for email targeting strategies:

✔️ Shoppers who have abandoned their cart during the last step of checkout (highlight free shipping, etc)

✔️ Shoppers who came to compare prices (offer discounts)

✔️ Shoppers that have purchased from you but didn’t come back to shop again (ask for feedback on past purchases)   

2. Demographic-based targeted email campaigns

Many email marketers will tell you demographic information is no longer relevant for personalization tactics. 

That’s not true. 

If you understand your demographic, it’s easier to build basic email personalizations.

For instance, during Christmas, you have noticed that many shoppers buy products for kids on your online store. Then you can assume that these customers are parents or related to kids.

You can create emails with targeted messaging that encourages them to buy relevant products well before Christmas to get early sales.    

This targeted email marketing example works:

When sending holiday emails for specific demographics:

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When shoppers are based in a particular location

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Some tips relevant to demographic factors you should consider for your email targeting strategies:

✔️ Connect your brand with a charity (Millenials and Gen Z are big on contributing to society) 

✔️ Use language that’s inclusive and welcomes everyone (age, gender, size, and more)

✔️ Display images of different types to visually impact subscribers (product images based on scenarios and use)  

3. Preference-based targeted email campaigns

Preferences are the best way to understand your email subscribers. 

What they like, what they dislike, and their interests can help you to adjust email settings such as what type of email messaging to send.  

We recommend you to check out: 25 Tips to Increase Sales Through Email Marketing(+ Amazing Examples)

This targeted email marketing example works best:

When you want to send tailored product recommendations:

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When email server settings need to be updated:

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Tips when while sending preference-based email targeting strategies:

✔️ Segment subscribers with common preferences but don’t be complacent. Keep updating their preferences and segmenting to send fresh email content. 

✔️ Find creative ways to relate with your subscribers (for example, offer discounts to subscribers who follow your product influencers)

✔️ Send more than just sales emails and appreciate your subscribers. (just check-in)

4. Lifecycle-based targeted email marketing campaigns 

Email workflows are something most eCommerce stores enable. 

However, your existing subscribers already expect the usual promotional emails. 

Custom workflows can add a breath of fresh air to your email campaigns

This targeted email marketing example works for:

When your shopper has just signed up:

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When a product is back in stock:

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When it’s your shopper’s birthday:

Birthday emails can generate 342% more revenue per email than regular promotions.

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Tips when while creating workflows for email targeting strategies:

✔️ Use urgency or scarcity strategies as triggers. Arouse their curiosity by mentioning something strange, asking a question, or using cliffhangers.

✔️ Mention a discount or special offer but don’t overdo it.

✔️ Create an information hierarchy based on importance. Keep your main message or most valuable offer in the first scroll.

7 Tips to Successfully Execute Targeted Email Marketing Strategies 

Here are seven expert tips that promise to amplify your revenue through strategic and effective email targeting strategies. Your path to profit starts here!

1. Create sub-segments 

Once you have created segments based on different factors, don’t just leave them there forever.

It’s important to understand the behavior of your segment and move them into sub-segments accordingly. 

For instance, if 20% of your segment didn’t open or didn’t click on the CTA, then move them to a new segment and retarget them with different messaging. 

2. Optimize for mobile

A report shows that 70% of emails are opened on a mobile device.

A mobile-optimized email has some common features, such as:

✔️ The email and landing page load quickly,

✔️ Tapable CTA buttons and links,

✔️ Font type, size, and color are easily readable

3. A/B test your email campaigns for different factors 

You can A/B test email campaigns to learn more about your subscribers. 

Test subject lines, body copy, layout, CTA language or button color, images, and more. 

Keep in mind: while A/B testing, change one element at a time so you can see significant results. 

You can also find the right time to send emails.

While there are general benchmarks, it’s important to find what works for your segments. 

4. Offer valuable content 

Send content that your target audience will want to read. 

This could include blog posts, articles, infographics, or videos about your product.

If you offer a service such as repairs or maintenance, then you can email customers about it as well.

5. Choose the right email tool or agency 

If your subscriber list is growing but not sales, then it’s time to consider your tool or agency.  

Apart from the usual features, make sure the email tool you are using lets you create multiple segments, send customized emails for every scenario, and track every metric.  

6. Let go of inactive subscribers 

While it’s great to have a large email list, it might include subscribers who will never turn into customers. 

Here are some tips on how to clean your list to improve email conversion rates:

✔️ Identify unengaged subscribers, those who haven’t clicked a link in your email or bought from you in the last 3 or 6 months. 

✔️ Remove email addresses that bounce due to reasons like invalid emails and keep an eye on ones with temporary issues like full inbox and recipient server issues, they can come around later.

✔️ Remove inactive subscribers from your list. These could be subscribers who have never opened your email or click-through in a long time (you determine how long you want to set the bar). 

7. Build your own email list, don’t buy one

Don’t buy email lists. This is the golden rule of effective email marketing. 

Buying an email list in itself is not illegal. 

However, most often you send emails to subscribers who will never become your customer.

Here are some ways to build an email list that responds to targeted messaging:

✔️ Display information that identifies you in emails (social media profiles, links to about us landing pages) 

✔️ Don’t use misleading information in your header and subject line (if you promise a discount, fulfill it)

✔️ Include an unsubscribe button that allows subscribers to opt out of your emails (especially if they have not engaged in a while) 

Some more information on targeted email marketing strategies  

1. What is targeted email marketing?

Targeted email marketing is a type of email marketing that sends emails to specific groups of people based on their interests, demographics, or other factors. 

This type of email marketing is more effective than traditional email marketing because it is more likely to reach people who are interested in the product or service being offered.

Targeted email marketing can be used to reach a variety of goals, such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales. 

To be effective, targeted email marketing should be based on a solid understanding of the target audience and their needs.

2. How do you target customers in email marketing?

There are a few different ways to target customers in targeted email campaigns:

✔️ Segment your list: This means dividing your email list into smaller groups based on shared characteristics, such as interests, demographics, or purchase history. This allows you to send more relevant emails to each group, which can lead to higher open rates and click-through rates.

✔️ Use targeted keywords: When you're writing your email subject lines and body copy, use keywords that are relevant to your target audience. This will help your emails get noticed in the crowded inbox.

✔️ Track your results: It's important to track the results of your email campaigns so you can see what's working and what's not. This will help you improve your campaigns over time.

3. What is email marketing segmentation?

Email marketing segmentation is the process of dividing your email list into smaller groups based on shared characteristics. 

This allows you to send more relevant and targeted emails to each group, which can lead to higher open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

There are many ways to segment your email list, but some common methods include:

✔️ Demographics: Age, gender, location, etc.

✔️ Interests: Product interests, purchase history, etc.

✔️ Behavior: Website visits, social media engagement, etc.

✔️ Customer lifetime value (CLV): How much money each customer has spent with you in the past.

Once you've segmented your list, you can use this information to create more targeted and relevant email campaigns. 

For example, if you have a list of customers who have purchased a certain product, you could send them an email about a new product that is similar. 

Or, if you have a list of customers who have visited your website but have not made a purchase, you could send them an email about a special offer.

Email marketing segmentation is a powerful tool that can help you improve your email marketing results. 

4. Why does email marketing segmentation matter?

On average, segmented campaigns have 23% higher open rates and 49% higher click rates than unsegmented campaigns, as shoppers people receive messages that really relate to their experience.

When it comes to segmentation, consider not just the age and gender of subscribers, but other factors such as:

✔️ Traffic source (did they subscribe from social media, store, or app?)

✔️ Location (are they located in the same area as your store or internationally?)

✔️ Level of engagement (do they frequently engage with your emails?)

✔️ Interests (do they like pop culture?)

✔️ Actions (signed up but didn’t shop or cart abandonment?)

✔️ Purchase history (are they one-time shoppers, frequent buyers, seasonal or inactive?) 

Do targeted email marketing campaigns work?

In short, yes, targeted email marketing campaigns are effective in bringing in more conversions and sales. 

When you target your emails to people who are already interested in your product or service, you are much more likely to get a response. 

Targeted email campaigns can help you increase brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales.

Here are some of the benefits of targeted email marketing:

✔️ Increased open rates: Targeted emails have higher open rates than non-targeted emails. This is because people are more likely to open an email that is relevant to them.

✔️ Increased click-through rates: Targeted emails also have higher click-through rates than non-targeted emails. This is because people are more likely to click on a link in an email that is relevant to them.

✔️ Increased conversions: Targeted emails can also lead to increased conversions. This is because people are more likely to take action on an email that is relevant to them.

If you are struggling to improve your marketing results, targeted email marketing is a great option to consider.

How do I create an effective targeted email marketing campaign?

To create effective targeted email marketing campaigns that will help you reach your business goals, it’s important to get the basics right. 

Here are some tips on how to create an effective targeted email marketing campaign:

✔️ Choose the right audience: The first step to creating an effective email marketing campaign is to choose the right audience. You want to make sure that your emails are being sent to people who are interested in what you have to offer. You can do this by segmenting your email list based on demographics, interests, and purchase history.

✔️ Start with a clear goal in mind: What do you want to achieve with your email campaign? Are you trying to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive sales? Once you know your goal, you can tailor your campaign accordingly.

✔️ Create compelling subject lines: The subject line is the first thing people will see when they receive your email, so it's important to make it count. Use a clear and concise subject line that will make people want to open your email.

✔️ Write clear and concise copy: Make the copy relevant to your audience. You can also include images, videos, and social media links to break up your text and make your email more visually appealing.

✔️ Include a call to action: Tell your readers what you want them to do after they read your email. Do you want them to visit your website, sign up for a newsletter, or make a purchase? Make sure your call to action is clear and easy to follow.

✔️ Test the email: Before you send your email campaign, be sure to test it to make sure it looks good on all devices and that all the links work properly.  

✔️ Track your campaign results: It's important to track the results of your email marketing campaigns so you can see what's working and what's not. You can use email marketing software to track open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

Create buyer’s personas based on email marketing segments

Buyer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers. 

Buyer personas can be used to improve your marketing and sales efforts by helping you understand who your customers are, what they want, and how you can reach them.

There are many different ways to segment your buyer personas. Email marketers can target different segments by:

  • By industry
  • By job title
  • By company size
  • By location
  • By needs
  • By goals
  • By motivations

Once you have segmented your buyer personas, you can use them to create targeted marketing and sales campaigns.

Buyer personas are a valuable tool for any business that wants to improve its marketing and sales efforts. 

Here are some buyer personas based on email marketing segments:

Segment 1: New customers

These are customers who have recently purchased from your company. They are likely to be interested in learning more about your products and services, as well as special offers and discounts. You can target them with emails about new products, special offers, and customer testimonials.

Segment 2: Returning customers

These are customers who have purchased from your company in the past. They are likely to be loyal to your brand and interested in continuing to do business with you. You can target them with emails about new products, special offers, and loyalty programs.

Segment 3: Inactive customers

These are customers who have not purchased from your company in a while. They may have lost interest in your products or services, or they may have found a competitor that they prefer. You can target them with emails about new products, special offers, and promotions to try to win them back.

Segment 4: Leads from sign ups 

These are people who have expressed interest in your products or services but have not yet made a purchase. They may have downloaded a white paper, signed up for a newsletter, or requested a demo. You can target them with emails about your products and services, as well as information about how to get started with your company.

Segment 5: Competitors' customers

These are customers who are currently doing business with a competitor. You can target them with emails about why your company is a better choice, as well as special offers and discounts to try to win them over.

Get More Sales from Targeted Email Campaigns Today

Most eCommerce store owners don’t see email as a serious revenue stream.

Ask them about the importance of email marketing, and you'll hear: 

“We don’t really have a major strategy,” 

“We mostly use generic templates,” or 

“We just send emails to people on our list.”


There are stores out there that drive 30%+ of their revenue from email marketing. 

Engage can help you do the same - Book a free demo.

We’ll show you:

  • workflows we can create for your store,
  • proven ways to drive 30% or more $$ from email alone, and 
  • successful templates and strategies from your industry (and others).
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