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Keyword Stuffing

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is a term used when a website or page uses an excessive amount of keywords in an attempt to boost the site’s ranking on the search engine. While keywords are used for SEO purposes in order to satisfy search intent and boost rankings, keywords are used strategically in content and in a way that offers value to the users. 

Keyword stuffing on the other hand is like spam and is an attempt to manipulate the ranks. It results in a negative user experience. 

This tactic used to work in the past. Now, however, search engines take into consideration other factors besides keywords for rankings that are indicative of how well a page satisfies search intent. This practice can have an adverse effect on your SEO efforts and could also result in your page getting kicked off of the search listings completely. 

Examples of Keyword Stuffing 

  • Using keywords multiple times unnecessarily 
  • Using keywords in places where it’s out of context. 
  • Using multiple closely related in a chunk of content. 
  • Using invisible text for keyword stuffing. 
  • Keyword stuffing can also be done in places such as meta descriptions and the HTML code of a website. 

Keyword stuffing is definitely a practise that business should steer clear off as there are undeniably adverse effects that it can have on your business. It could result in a Google penalty that will reduce your site’s overall ranking for an indefinite period. It also offers a poor user experience, which will result in increased bounce rates for your page.

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