Ecommerce Growth

30 Best Examples of Nudge Marketing in eCommerce

eCommerce brands often struggle to implement nudge theory examples on their websites. Sometimes, they offer too many or not enough nudges. Here’s how top brands win over their customers with effective, yet non-intrusive, nudge campaigns.

30 Best Examples of Nudge Marketing in eCommerce

Creative nudge marketing has become the go-to psychology growth hack for getting more sales on eCommerce stores.

However many online stores struggle to implement nudge techniques into practice. 

What works for some brands might work for others as consumer behavior varies depending on products and industries.

In this article, we’ll share:

How does nudge marketing work?

Nudge marketing works by using psychological principles to influence people's choices.

Before you apply nudge theory as a marketing tool, it’s essential to understand a few basics:

  • Nudge theory is a long-term marketing strategy that encourages visitors to make fast purchasing decisions through subtle or direct prompts.
  • Nudge techniques in business influence buying decisions by leveraging psychological biases while making a choice feel more natural for the buyer. 
  • When done right, nudge marketing has proven to increase customer engagement, acquisition, and retention when done right.

Top 30 eCommerce Nudge Theory Examples  

Share the following nudge marketing examples with your team to improve profit.

1. Nike’s Smart Notification (that is not a pop-up)

The first in our nudge theory examples are notifications.

Yes, you are already doing it.

Because notifications are the first thing anyone thinks of when we mention nudge marketing.

However, many shoppers have claimed that notifications are disruptive and can create a bad user experience.

That's why we love this nudge marketing example: Nike's smart notification.

In this nudge example, see how the brand displays a notification right under the product images, showing how popular the product is in real time.

This product page nudge technique shoppers to buy the product while it's still trendy.

nudge theory examples | Nike's smart notification - nudge marketing | Here’s how to display creative nudging through notifications

This type of nudging marketing is especially great for products where trends are a major influence on whether a customer makes a purchase or not.

You can use this nudge for clothing, beauty products, and even gadgets.

A great example is how customers always want to be one of the first people to try out a new Apple gadget.

Here’s how to display creative nudge technique through notifications:

  • Ensure your notifications are dismissable
  • Make your content persuasive. If possible add social proof or statistics
  • Position it at a location that doesn’t disrupt the other elements of your page
  • Use behavioral insights to decipher smart delivery timing

2. Biolite Energy’s Reviews Nudge (let customers do the talking)

Make reviews the core of your nudge marketing.

Especially, if your product is a high-ticket item or requires extensive research.

That's why we love this nudge marketing example:

Biolite knows that shoppers might hesitate before a purchase.

To overcome that obstacle, the brand implemented nudge theory through reviews.

While they have displayed the usual star rating, they went a step further by adding a subtle and creative nudge right below the section that shows how many customers recommend the product.

nudge theory examples | Bolite Energy’s Recommendation Nudge - nudge marketing | Here’s how to implement nudge marketing through product recommendations

To implement this type of nudge theory example on your eCommerce store, place user-generated recommendations across your homepage, product pages, and even on customer’s cart just before the checkout.

These are pivotal areas that’ll help nudge a prospective customer into making that final purchase.

Biolite uses this nudging theory example on their product page.

Here’s how to implement nudge marketing through product recommendations:

  • Don’t just use random figures, have actual people recommend the product
  • Make it authentic by showing off customer details like their name and if they are a verified buyer of the item
  • Make it easy to review by adding a rating option along with a section for text
  • Give room for your reviewers to upload user-generated content like pictures or videos

3. Nerdwax’s Upsell Nudge (within price range)

The whole point of nudge marketing is to subtly push shoppers to make a purchase.

eCommerce brands can utilize nudge campaigns to recommend relevant products and consequently increase AOV.

That's why we love this nudge marketing example:

Nerdwax uses nudge theory to upsell a high-value pack on their product pages just before the checkout.

Nerdwax goes into detail by showing what the high-value pack contains as well as how much a shopper would typically save by opting for this bundle.

They also make it very easy to add this stock to cart with a bright yellow CTA.

From a practical view, the brand recommends a complementary product that's in the same price range as the product.

And then offers a discount on the bundle as well as a free shipping nudge.

nudge theory examples | Nerdwax’s Upsell Nudge - nudge marketing | Here’s how to nudge consumers through clever upselling strategies

Adopt this nudging marketing for your eCommerce store by placing an upsell nudge on the product page or in their cart right before the checkout.

However, make sure that you're recommending relevant products.

To implement this nudge theory in practice, start by adding upselling nudges on popular products and then expanding to other categories.

Here are some tips to implement consumer nudges through clever upselling strategies:

  • Add an incentive to clearly highlight the benefits of opting for the upsell
  • Don’t be too pushy with your upsell e.g showing it as a pop-up right when they land on a page
  • Ensure the upsells are personalized to fit into whatever product they’d want to purchase
  • Keep the price of your upsell within a reasonable amount. No more than 25% of the initial purchase price.

4. Amazon’s Default Options (to make it easier to decide)

Study shows that shoppers believe that the default is either the best option or a very good suggestion they should go ahead with.

While they are not very obvious, defaults are a very useful nudge marketing strategy because choosing a different option means the user has to make a conscious effort to take an action.

That's why we love this nudge marketing example:

Amazon chooses a default shipping date for customers interested in delivery.

And although priority shipping offers a faster delivery date, the regular shipping option is the default.

Chances are, customers will gear towards this option because it’s significantly cheaper. 

nudge theory examples | Amazon’s Default Options - nudge marketing | Here’s how to display nudges with default options on your online store

Here’s how to display nudges with default options on your online store:

  • Choosing a specific color or size of a product
  • When opting in for deals and offers
  • For choosing between complex options that require expertise
  • Personalizing the user experience based on their previous shopping behavior across your website

5. Amazon’s Urgency Nudge (trigger desired action)

In our nudge theory example below, Amazon shows off their collection and adds a label underneath specific products to tell interested customers that it’s a limited-time deal as opposed to the other deals of the day.

This limited label is a nudge technique that’ll push interested customers into buying almost immediately because they will not want to miss out on this stock.

nudge theory examples | Amazon’s Urgency Nudge - nudge marketing| Here’s how to create urgency with nudge marketing

Your urgency nudge marketing strategy could be placed anywhere. As a pop-up, on the home page, specific product pages, or across your catalogs.

Here’s how to create urgency with nudge marketing:

  • Leverage seasonal discounts like Black Friday, Christmas, etc
  • You can show how much is left in stock to help customers see that they are not alone
  • Add a countdown timer to show how much time is left
  • Show the number of customers actually checking out this offer
  • In your copy, use key phrases that suggest a sense of urgency. Words like limited, hurry now, etc

Short on time? Here's a quick video with all the brilliant nudge theory examples:

6. Beardbrand’s Highlight Nudge (subtle but effective)

As part of their holiday campaigns, Beardbrand offers free shipping which they don’t exactly phrase as free shipping.

They understand that a large percentage of their visitors might not be interested in reading this section.

So they created a subtle nudge with a yellow highlighted text to get them to read through it.

You can use this type of nudge when you want a customer to review a manual, handbook, discount offers, loyalty program, or other additional content you deem important.

The best way to implement this type of nudge marketing strategy is to position it on the product page where your customers are still very interested in knowing more about a particular item.

Beardbrand’s Highlighted Nudge - nudge marketing | Keep these tips in mind while creating a highlighted text nudging

Keep these tips in mind while creating a highlighted text nudging:

  • Use a distinctive highlight color that is attention-grabbing and also complements other colors on your page
  • Have a punchy headline that makes your prospective customers curious
  • Keep your additional text short, direct, and highly relevant to the product

7. Patagonia’s Overlay Nudge (but make it short and sweet)

Patagonia has a different store dedicated to revamping old clothing and giving it out.

So, why do we love this nudge marketing example?

They apply a strong nudge marketing strategy to advertise this section to their customers. As an incentive, they offer some trade-in credit in exchange for any old clothing.

For visitors who might be uninterested, there’s a back button that makes a good user experience.

Patagonia’s Overlay Nudge | In this nudge marketing campaign, ensure your overlay doesn’t affect your user experience, you should

You can use this creative nudge example to encourage signups, show off details about a product, advertise other product lines, or even promote a discount offer.

The great thing about interactive overlays like this is that they can be shown anywhere.

In this nudge marketing campaign, ensure your overlay doesn’t affect your user experience, you should:

  • Study shopping behavior to identify the perfect time to show your pop-up
  • Make the cancel button obvious so users can easily navigate away from your overlay
  • Keep your content simple. Too much of it can cause cognitive overload
  • Let your CTA be clear and easily distinguishable

8. Patagonia’s Activism Appeal Nudge (to show through actions)

People generally love being part of a greater cause and this is why Patagonia uses this appeal to create trust symbols that’ll nudge customers to make that final click. 

Through their nudge marketing strategy, they appeal to customers’ sense of activism and emotions by making them see that their purchase will make a difference to the world.

Patagonia’s Activism Appeal Nudge - nudge marketing | Here’s how to effectively use this type of overlay in nudge marketing:

You can use this type of nudge campaign when your eCommerce store has a community or loyalty program.

Place them across your homepage, about page, product page, checkout page and even on the order confirmation.

Here’s how to effectively use this type of nudge marketing:

  • Find a brand philosophy to capitalize on
  • Add verifiable trust icons to support your claim
  • Rather than giving out too much info on your nudge, add a link that takes interested customers to the details of your claim
  • Use figures to support your appeal

9. SkinnyMe’s Price Anchoring Nudge (but without being pushy)

SkinnyMe uses a price anchor as their nudge marketing strategy. They show off the before and after price discount for this product.

After comparing both prices, customers will be more inclined to purchase this product because they’ll want to maximize the discounts they’ll get from this sale.

SkinnyMe’s Price Anchoring Nudge - nudge marketing  Keep these tips in mind when using a price anchor nudging on your online store

You can use this nudge campaign on specific products during clearance sales or other kinds of discounts. Position this on the pricing page or on your catalog page. They can also be used across ads on your digital channels.

Keep these tips in mind when using a price anchor nudging on your online store:

  • Ensure that both prices are placed together side by side
  • The higher price anchor should be struck through so customers can differentiate between the discounted price and the original price
  • Don’t overuse this type of nudge on the same product. If it’s always on discount, the discount will lose its appeal
  • If possible, across other areas of your store, give your customers a timeline on when prices will revert to normal. This will emphasize the urgency of this discount.

10. SkinnyMe’s Community Nudge Marketing Example(to focus on authenticity)

SkinnyMe's focuses their nudge campaign in the review section.

If you see their reviews, there are a lot of transformation pictures from their community. Prospective clients can see the real-life results through a before and after comparison of previous customers.

As a product that’ll warrant a lot of convincing before use, SkinnyMe uses this to nudge their visitors into actually trying the product to get their results.

SkinnyMe’s Community Nudge - nudge marketing | When opting for this top nudge, you should

This type of community-generated content is perfect for products that require a certain amount of trust before purchase. Think about beauty products, very expensive products, or products that are common across competitor stores. It answers the question; “why should I opt for your own product?”

When opting for this type of nudge, you should;

  • Make it easy for verified shoppers to upload their media along with their reviews
  • It should have a side by side comparison of how the product made their lives better
  • Ensure that the review has additional information like name when they purchased the product, and a star rating
  • Place these nudges underneath your product details on the product page so customers are encouraged to add to cart or even checkout

11. Amazon’s Scarcity Nudge (all hail the power of FOMO)

Yes, Amazon's on our list again. Only because they apply such great nudge campaigns.

In this example, Amazon uses scarcity as a nudge to drive more sales for this product.

That’s why they immediately show a sense of urgency by stating that there’s only one copy left in stock. 

Amazon’s Scarcity Nudge - nudge marketing examples | When using scarcity nudge marketing, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Since there’s only one left, any visitor browsing this product out of the fear of missing out would want to grab the last copy on the shelf.

You can use a scarcity nudge campaign to publish time-sensitive offers or products with limited stock. It’s usually best to place these scarcity nudges on the product page so customers can immediately add them to cart.  

When using scarcity nudge marketing, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Use this nudge in moderation. Too much of it will give your store a bad impression
  • Don’t be too pushy, remember it’s a nudge
  • Show the numbers left in stock, they help make it a lot more believable
  • Highlight the incentive for buying now

12. Under Armour’s Wishlist Nudge (also get more leads)

To increase the percentage of returning visitors by helping their visitors save interests, UA nudges customers to use the wishlist feature through a dismissable banner.

With this simple nudge campaign, they can provide an omnichannel user experience for their visitors and even create more personalized retargeting ads or cart reminder emails.

Underamor’s Wishlist Nudge - nudge marketing examples | Here are a few things to keep in mind when designing a wishlist nudge for your eCommerce store:

As a behavioral nudge, you can study customer shopping behavior before showing this banner.

For example, is a customer leaving a product page almost immediately? Or trying to exit after looking at it for a long time? These are great instances where you can introduce a wishlist nudge and also get them to sign up (if they haven't).

Here are a few things to keep in mind when designing a wishlist nudge for your eCommerce store:

  • Ensure the wishlist works. It’ll be a shame if a customer saves an item and can’t find it on another device when they log back in
  • Make your banner visible with a distinct color and font
  • Don’t forget to add a remarkable CTA that redirects them to the signup page
  • In your copy, highlight a benefit of using a wishlist or a reason why they should even consider it

13. ASOS In-Picture Nudge (push the popular products)

With an in-picture nudge, ASOS subtly notifies customers of how high-demand this product is. Thereby nudging them to purchase immediately before it becomes low on stock.

ASOS positions their nudge in a non-intrusive way yet it’s directly on the product image where you can’t miss it.

ASOS In-Picture Nudge - nudge marketing examples | When adding an in-picture creative nudge, ensure you

Since customers tend to focus on the pictures of the product before deciding on whether they’d like to purchase it, it’s a great place to add a nudge.

You can add this creative nudge example on popular items, fast selling, or products on clearance sales.

When adding an in-picture creative nudge, ensure you:

  • Never allow it to obscure the product image itself. Your nudge should be subtle and not disruptive
  • Use less than 6 words to drive your copy so it’s direct and short
  • You can use social proof to make your nudge even urgent. But also keep it simple

14. IKEA Directional Nudge (help shoppers take the next step)

To help their visitors identify certain functionalities of the homepage, IKEA uses subtle nudge marketing strategy through a directional arrow that nudges customers into clicking a specific area of the screen.

IKEA Directional Nudge - nudge marketing examples | When applying a directional nudge marketing strategy, you should

Directional cues can be used at any point in your eCommerce store.

They are used to help your customers find certain navigation areas, especially important CTA’s.

Your directional cues could be an arrow, your model looking at a specific area on your page, or lines even.

When applying a directional nudge marketing strategy, you should;

  • Ensure that your CTA stands out because all cues will lead to it
  • Keep it simple, they are cues so don’t give in to the temptation of going overboard

15. IKEA Variant Nudge Marketing Example(another way to add visuals)

We are loving IKEA's creative nudge examples.

They nudge customers into checking out a variant that might better suit their interior style, IKEA shows off their vast variant stock directly on the product page. 

IKEA Variant Nudge - nudge marketing examples | Ensure these directives when designing a consumer nudge for product variants:

You can use this nudge across products like clothing, accessories, furniture like Ikea, or any other stock you have in multiple colors and sizes.

Your shop or catalog page is a great place to highlight this nudge so customers can easily see that there are many options. Your product page is another location where you can highlight multiple product variants.

Ensure these directives when designing a consumer nudge for product variants:

  • Let your customers understand the variant type you have in one glance. If it’s a color, display that color itself, and if it’s a size variant, show the letters that indicate that
  • For colors try to show your customers an image of what the product will look like with the color
  • When there are too many variants, avoid showing them all at once to prevent indecisiveness. At this point, show a few and add a link or dropdown for customers who’d like to see more.
  • Always have a default variant

16. Kenwood’s Freebie Nudge (use clever microcopy)

To nudge their customers into purchasing this product, Kenwood offers a free gift and positions a label highlighting this right beside the product image.

Kenwood’s Freebie Nudge - nudge marketing examples | When using freebie nudge marketing, make sure to:

Like other product badges, your label should give something away about the product. For additional freebies, you should always ensure that your hint is clearly visible on the product page.

Because labels and badges can’t convey enough, always have another description hinting at what your free gifts might be.

When using this consumer nudge, make sure to:

  • Offer a relevant gift to your customers
  • Show what the gift is at the checkout page to influence them there as well
  • You can also add qualification criteria for instance purchases of a certain amount

17. Taylor Stitch Navigation Bar Nudge (add a pop of color)

Taylor Stitch is a wonderful nudge theory example as it allows first-time customers to make a purchase to get a 20% discount with a sticky label positioned on the navigation bar.

Taylor Stitch Navigation Bar Nudge - nudge marketing examples

Your navigation bar is one place every customer will interact with on your site so ensure that whatever nudge you’re displaying doesn’t affect the other links there.

You can use a strip instead to highlight your offerings.

When designing a navigation bar nudge;

  • Keep your copy short and simple
  • Ensure your navigation bar is sticky so they can keep seeing it even when they scroll away
  • Always add a link or CTA that takes them to the details of the nudge

18. Taylor Stitch Progress Nudge (grab attention in the above-the-fold)

To encourage their customers to complete the checkout process, Taylor Stitch uses nudge marketing by including a progress bar so customers can see how far and how much they have left to check out in real-time.

Taylor Stitch Progress Nudge - nudge marketing examples

A progress bar is used to increase user engagement on what could be regarded as a boring activity.

So use them in areas of your eCommerce store that require multi-step activities like forms, order booking, etc.

Here are some pro tips for designing a progress bar nudge campaign;

  • Use labels that inform them of the steps to take
  • Ensure your bar is very visible. Preferably top fold
  • Keep it moving with each step

19. Ntwrk’s Smart Notification Drop (offer an easy exit)

While running a sale, Ntwrk utilized nudge marketing strategies to notify customers of upcoming deals.

And so they created a smart notification that nudges customers to sign up for getting notified about newer deals similar to the ongoing one.

Ntwrk’s Smart Notification Drop - nudge marketing examples

You can place these notifications on your homepage to immediately get your desired action.

For designing effective push notifications as part of your nudge campaign:

  • Keep the copy short. You can experiment with word and character counts
  • Always add an icon to show the authenticity of the notification
  • Ensure it’s a one-click event. After this, it should be dismissed

20. Burga’s Social Proof Nudge (establish trust)

On their product page, Burga uses social proof of the number of purchases and number of positive reviews to nudge their customers into adding the item to cart.

The trust symbol ‘Trust Pilot’ also helps to reinforce the sense of reliability.

Burga’s Social Proof Nudge - nudge marketing examples

You can add social proof anywhere on your eCommerce store. From your homepage to the product page, cart, and even at the checkout page.

When using social proof as a nudge campaign;

  • Use trust symbols
  • Always add figures to show how far your brand has gone
  • You can use customer reviews to boost your ratings

21. Burga Product Recommendation Nudge (enable one click)

Burga nudges customers to increase their order value just before the checkout page by offering free shipping on certain conditions and accompanying additional gadgets.

Burga Product Recommendation Nudge - nudge marketing examples

The best place to add a product recommendation nudge is right on the product page or in their cart just before the checkout button.

When offering product recommendation nudges;

  • Ensure the recommendations are highly relevant to the shopper
  • Add an incentive for when they choose that recommendation
  • Make it easy to add the recommended product to cart. Ideally, one click.

22. Burga’s Reassurance Nudge (overcome obstacles)

In addition to their upsell, Burga offers reassurance to their customers with three checks that offer a wonderful customer experience.

This serves as a nudge to get them to complete the checkout process.

Burga’s Reassurance Nudge

Place these reassurance nudge theory example just before your checkout button and on your checkout page. They are areas customers usually abandon a purchase.

Here's how to use reassurance in your nudge marketing strategy;

  • Use trust symbols
  • Add check marks to emphasize your offers
  • Keep your assurance short and easy to digest in one glance
  • Ensure it addresses the fears a customer might have about completing an order

23. Skinnyteatox Upsell Pop-up Nudge (give just enough info)

In their upsell strategy, Skinnyteatox nudges their customers to add more items to cart by gamifying the experience.

They first start by creating a pop-up and make customers feel like they’ve unlocked more discounts because they chose to buy certain products.

Skinnyteatox Upsell Pop-up Nudge - nudge marketing examples

This is great for every type of product and you can create this by using an add to cart trigger.

When upselling with a pop-up nudge campaign, ensure that;

  • The upsells are relevant to the customer purchase
  • Adding to cart is seamless and just one click away
  • Customers can easily exit your pop-up nudge if they are not interested 

24. Choosemuse Onboarding Nudge (sound more human)

On their product page, Choosemuse uses a chatbot to nudge their customers into checking out a video of what their latest product looks like.

This video increases the purchasing intent of the customer by highlighting the importance and cool features of the product.

Choosemuse Onboarding Nudge - nudge marketing examples

Chatbots are great as a nudge marketing strategy because you can use them in every area of your eCommerce store.

They come in handy when you want your customer to check out a guide, loyalty program, available stock, size guide, etc.

When adding a chatbot nudge campaign;

  • Make your copy very personalized so it doesn’t feel like a chatbot
  • Offer assistance in your messaging
  • Make the pop-up dismissable and the dismiss icon should be visible

25. Koala’s Exit-Intent Overlay (timing is everything)

To reduce the number of leaving visitors, Koala designed a creative nudge in the form of an exit-intent pop-up to cross-sell and collect leads.

They use a discount in the form of a question to nudge these website visitors into entering their contact information.

Koala’s Exit-Intent Overlay - nudge marketing examples

You can use an exit-intent overlay to collect leads, data, information from your site visitors.

However, you should always use smart timing to only show this pop-up when a visitor has intentions of leaving your store.

When designing your exit overlay nudge campaign;

  • Have one clear offering or incentive on your pop-up
  • Your CTA should be clear and simple
  • Ensure that ways to exit the pop-up are visible

26. Daily Harvest's Benefit Nudge (without overhwhelming)

Consumers are always looking for functional benefits when it comes to products.

This is driven by their desire to be ‘in the know’ and get more out of their money and time.

That's why this product label as a creative nudge example from Daily Harvest is so appealing.

It prompts them to understand how the functionality of the product aligns with their lifestyle.

When you look at this functional value, it’s easy for them to see just how it’ll help improve their situation and contribute towards the end goal.

Here are some tips for using this type of nudge marketing:

  • Stick to three or fewer core benefits. Why? People like being able to analyze products & make decisions at a glimpse. The more the benefits, the more overwhelmed they’ll likely become.
  • Try and incorporate some sort of visual element that highlights that benefit. In this picture, you can see how the three functional aspects reflect on the beverage.
  • Look into iconography. Convey more meaning with fewer words. Avoid cognitive overload with this simple technique.

27. Taylor Stitch’s Loyalty Nudge (retain with rewards)

We all know that a good percentage of people love joining loyalty programs and being rewarded for being active customers. 

So, why not incorporate that into your strategy for nudge campaign?

Build a customized exit-intent overlay that nudges customers to be engaged with the brand. From there, you can then use retargeting strategies to get them to convert.

Here are some tips for building a loyalty program and including that as a part of your nudge marketing program:

  • Ensure the pop-up’s X button is clearly visible - for obvious reasons.
  • Make the referral program easy to join and share.
  • Make the next steps obvious. The loyalty program isn’t the end goal, right? So, channel that exit-intent pop-up, that program nudge, into something greater. Incorporate retargeting programs with sales alerts, recommended products, social proof, etc.

Keep Reading: 14 eCommerce Loyalty Programs Backed By Science (Examples)

28. ASICS’ Badge Nudge Marketing Example(highlight the USP)

Product badges are a good way to nudge your customers without taking up too much cognitive load.

The use of badges can often be one of the most fundamental parts of a product's user experience.

A badge is an on-screen icon that indicates additional information about a product. It can be simple, like the one you see below on ASICS, or it can take on different shapes and sizes to reflect the nature of that product's content.

How do you use product badges properly?

  • Use no more than one badge per product. Stick to what’s absolutely essential and will draw attention. In the example above, ASICS knows that the reflective surface helps this shoe stand apart from the rest.
  • Use a contrasting color. Like with everything else, this helps build a distinction.
  • Avoid using a badge on every single product. Remember: nothing’s truly special if everything has something special about it.

29. Adidas’s Anchoring Nudge (combine with visual nudge)

Price anchoring is a pricing method where a certain price point serves as a reference point to determine the actual price of your products, which in turn influences how customers perceive the value of that product.

In this ad, Adidas uses a very simple visual cue as a price anchor drawing a strong distinction for the product in feature.

Here’s how you can use price anchoring in your favor:

  • Keep it simple. Use visual cues - they’re important because they subtly convey the price distinction and build upon the psychological value of this technique.
  • The lower price doesn’t always have to be THAT much lower. It’s all about how you communicate the perceived value.
  • Dynamic pricing can be helpful when it comes to anchoring.  

30. Sephora’s Product Recommendation Widget (personalization at it's best)

Finding the right products can be challenging for some customers. That's where a product recommendation widget comes in handy.

From the customer's perspective, it takes into consideration personal choices and plans out products they would've otherwise needed effort to pick.

From the business perspective, it helps you understand your customers, determine the segment of customers who may be interested in certain products or solutions, and direct them to it therein increasing conversions over the long run. 

Here’s how to get the most out of your product recommendation widget:

  • Use 5 - 7 form fields. Any more and customers will likely lose interest.
  • Offer a full spectrum of products at the end. With fashion brands, offer an outfit instead of just one or two pieces. Increases the perceived value.
  • Ensure the products at the end are easily clickable and can be added to the cart. Important and valuable add!

BONUS: Frequently Asked Questions

What is a nudging strategy?

Nudge marketing is a relatively new concept that is becoming increasingly popular with businesses. Essentially, it is a way of using psychology to influence customer behavior.

There are a few key things to know about nudge marketing in order to make it effective.

First, you need to understand what motivates your customers.

Second, you need to create an environment that makes it easy for customers to make the desired behavior.

Finally, you need to deliver your message in a way that is compelling and trustworthy.

If you can do all of these things, you’ll be well on your way to success with nudge marketing. 

What is nudge marketing?

Nudge marketing is a way of using psychology to influence customer behavior. It is based on the idea that people can be “nudged” into making certain choices or taking certain actions.

For example, a business might use nudge marketing to get customers to buy more products. They might do this by placing items in strategic locations, offering discounts, or using other methods to make the desired behavior more attractive.

What are the benefits of nudge marketing?

There are several benefits of nudge marketing.

  • It can be an effective way to reach and engage consumers.
  • Nudge marketing can be used to influence consumer behavior.
  • By understanding how people make decisions, nudge marketers can design more strategic campaigns.
  • It is relatively inexpensive and easy to implement.
  • Nudge marketing can be used in a variety of settings, including online and offline.
  • Nudges can also be an effective way to boost sales and encourage customers to take desired actions.
  • It can also be used to increase brand awareness or to change customer perceptions.

What are some common techniques used in nudge marketing examples?

Some common techniques used in nudge marketing include social proof, loss aversion, and anchoring.

  • Social Proof

This technique relies on people’s natural tendency to follow the crowd. When people see others doing something, they are more likely to do it themselves.

  • Loss Aversion

This technique plays on people’s fear of loss. People are more likely to take action to avoid losses than to achieve gains.

  • Anchoring

This technique involves presenting people with a starting point from which they then make decisions. The starting point (or anchor) can influence people’s subsequent judgments and decisions.

How does nudge marketing work?

Nudge marketing works by using psychological principles to influence people's choices.

For example, one common tactic is to use positive reinforcement to encourage people to make the desired choice.

For instance, a company might offer a discount for choosing an environmentally friendly option.

There are a lot of potential applications for nudge marketing, and it can be used to achieve a variety of different goals.

For example, nudge marketing can be used to increase sales, encourage people to sign up for a service, or even get people to vote.

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